Example Read Me

INPORTANT NOTE: you can disable the log function by either setting $_site->noTrack=true or adding "noTrack":true, to the mysitemap.json. Doing either of those things will keep the SimpleSiteClass from using the logagent table to log visitors. This will also mean that example2.php programs will not work.

There are two example programs in the examples directory. example1.php is a simple program that shows how to get information from the mysitemap.json file, instantiate the SimpleSiteClass framework, and set several variables like title, banner and css; then get the page top and bottom and finally echo the page. The file is pretty well commented and there are several things you can change.

The second example, exampe2.php is a little more complicated as it uses a database that collects some limited user information. The database is named barton and its table is logagent. The example shows how to query the database using an auxiliary class SimpledbTables to make the task of building a table simpler.

Both examples can be run via php -S localhost:3000. This should be run from the simple-site-class directory, that is the directory above the examples directory. Once you have run the PHP program, you can use a browser and goto localhost:3000/examples/example1.exe?home=/home/<your home directory>;. Replace <your home directory> with the name of the directory you loaded SimpleSiteClass into.

You can install the repository either by going to GitHub (https://github.com/bartonlp/simple-site-class) and getting the path from the Code button and then clone the repository onto your system by doing git clone <repository>;. Replace <repository> with the info from the Code button.

You can also download a zip file from the repository.

If you have an Apache server running on your system, you can use composer to fetch the repository into a directory called vendor. The repository will be at vendor/bartonlp/simple-site-class. Copy the examples directory to your running domain directory. I like to put the vendor directory at /var/www. Apache creates this directory and usually puts an html directory under it for your web code. Put the examples directory in html (or whatever you have called your website).

The two example programs are set up to use PHP PDO with a sqlite database. The database will be called barton in the examples directory. You should have PHP 8+, along with the pdo-sqlite and pdo extensions. If you would like to use MySql instead, comment out the lines in the example programs that read $_site->dbinfo->engine = "sqlite".

Both example programs require the file mysitemap.json which has information about the framework. The file is pretty well commented as it is not a real JSON file. I remove the comments in the loading process and then do a json_decode(), so the JSON code after the comment removal must be valid JSON code or the loader will output an error message.

There is a file called schema.sql in the examples directory that can be used to create the barton database and the logagent table.

If you have comments or need help, email me at bartonphillips@gmail.com.

Have fun.

SimpleSiteClass Methods
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Contact Me

Barton Phillips : bartonphillips@gmail.com
Copyright © 2025 Barton Phillips
Project maintained by Barton Phillips
Last modified January 1, 2025