SiteClass (version 5.0.4pdo), Database and dbPdo Methods
SiteClass methods:
While there are a number of methods for each of the major classes there are really only a small handful you will use on a regular bases. The ones most used have some documentation with them.
- constructor
- public function setSiteCookie(string $cookie, string $value, int $expire, string $path="/", ?string $thedomain=null,
?bool $secure=null, ?bool $httponly=null, ?string $samesite=null):bool
- public function getIp():string
- public function getPageTopBottom():array
I usually have this code at the top of my page:
$_site = require_once(getenv("SITELOADNAME"));
$S = new SiteClass($_site);
// Set the properties of $S
$S->title = "test page";
$S->banner = "<h1>$S->title</h1>";
$S->css = "h1 { color: red; }";
$S->b_inlineScript = "console.log('this is a test')";
[$top, $footer] = $S->getPageTopBottom();
echo <<<EOF
<p>Some test stuff</p>
getPageTopBottom() calls getPageHead(), getPageBanner(), getPageFooter().
- public function getPageTop():string
- public function getPageHead():string
- public function getPageBanner():string
- public function getPageFooter():string
- public function getDoctype():string
- public function __toString():string
- There are a number of 'protected' methods and properties that can be used in a child class.
Database and dbPdo methods:
- constructor
- public function getDb():object. Get the database object.
- public function setDb($db). Set the database object.
- public function query($sql)
This is the workhourse of the database. It is used for 'select', 'update', 'insert' and basically anything you need to do like 'drop', 'alter' etc. $sql is the sql statement.
- public function fetchrow($result=null, $type="both")
Probably the second most used method. If it follows the 'query' the $result is not needed. The only time $result is needed is if there are other queries in a while loop. In that case you need to get the result of the query by calling the getResult() method before running the while loop.
The $type can be 'assoc', 'num' or default 'both'. 'assoc' returns only an associative array, while 'num' return a numeric array.
I usually use a numeric array with
while([$name, $email] = $S->fetchrow('num')) { ... }
- public function queryfetch($query, $retarray=false)
- public function getLastInsertId()
After an 'insert' this method returns the new row's primary key id.
- public function getResult()
Returns the result object from the last 'query'. Usually not needed.
- public function escape($string)
- public function getNumRows($result=null)
- public function getErrorInfo()
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Barton Phillips : Copyright © 2025 Barton Phillips
Project maintained by bartonlp
Last modified January 1, 2025